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People are social by nature. Hence, they thrive most with a “no man is an island” mentality, which can be read in Woodlawn Giants.

No man is an island.

This is an age-old sentiment that reflects how humanity acts at its core. It captures the ideology that nobody would succeed in isolation. Everybody needs and must work with each other to thrive. This is how communities and the world are built and strengthened around unity and a system of people that works toward a common goal.

This has been established since time immemorial. From the moment of their conception, humans have evolved to be social. They have the biologically driven desire to interact and create connections. After all, for their species to exist, they need authentic connections and relationships. Humanity’s existence is based and dependent on social interactions.

The sentiment that no man is an island has and continues to be truthful

From the moment they are born, people are surrounded by each other. No mother can safely and successfully give birth without the help of someone. Not to mention, the baby’s conception, likewise, requires another person. Nobody can genuinely exist alone. This is something that will remain to be true regardless of what someone thinks or how isolated they wish to be.

Humans are social beings. They give birth to other companies. They love one another, develop and live with their families, and work in teams. With their desire to connect and belong, they form groups based on interests and beliefs, welcoming one another as though they’re families. Their culture shapes their norms and communities, formed from group living.

At its very core, humanity is founded according to its community and social bonds. No man is an island, as everybody is born to coexist – a crucial part of life and survival.

People are connected. While this doesn’t mean everyone is related to each other by blood, it means they’re related by the purpose they have – life. What better way to live it than by building connections and finding meaning and happiness with each other? Every person is a part of a more extensive system, a speck from a massive organism. No man is an island. Instead, they must think of themselves as a part of a mainland or continent – a fraction of a more significant existence.

Hence, while they can be self-sufficient, it can’t be denied that to flourish and achieve their more extensive design, they would need each other. Alone, they can be enough. But together, they can achieve more.

Humans Are Social Beings Who Need Each Other From Conception

The significance of community and its influence on people can be read in Woodlawn Giants, a book by Robert Ross Williams. The story captures the beauty of living with good company and the lessons accompanying everyone involved. When one person provides profound wisdom, imagine what a group can offer. Woodlawn Giants is a heartwarming coming-of-age story highlighting the serendipitous adventures birthed within communities.

It’s a story that can whiplash readers into looking back at their fondest memories, a nostalgic ride into familiar echoes of people’s lives.

The book excellently captures the “it takes a village” mentality, which posits that a single person can’t raise a child. While this isn’t meant to take a jab at any single parent who single-handedly fights to provide for their children, it also appropriately highlights that there’s a community behind a child’s growth. This may not only be an immediate relative. Instead, this can be those individuals who work for society to provide a safe and healthy environment for these children ultimately. They provide all the necessary resources to develop, flourish, and achieve their potential.

“No man is an island” is a sentiment applicable from when people are born.

Society realizes that raising children requires more than a single person. Instead, a competent and sufficient ecosystem of individuals must be willing to support and provide. This can include but isn’t limited to other relatives, teachers, doctors, and even peers.

The Image Of The Whole Continent

Every individual surrounding children plays a role in their lives. In fact, even when they’re grown, these individuals continue to influence each other’s lives. Imagining a society where people live in isolation without social interaction or relationships would be tough. It isn’t easy to imagine a single person raising a child, what more thinking about organizations run by a single person?

Such a setup would be impossible.

The world runs in a social setting. It needs people to work together and in harmony to flourish. In fact, the call for a harmonious society has long been embedded in communities. It’s a rule everyone abides by despite it not being actively reminded. This is why people can live with each other and not erupt in fights and conflicts every second despite being separate characters.

People may be distinct with clashing and contradicting beliefs. But they’ve been reared in a social society that values connection and communication. Harmony is already embedded in their nature.

No man is an island. Instead, they’re a part of a whole. Knowing they’re part of a bigger purpose and community adds more meaning and color to their lives.

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